Study calls for protection of children from industrial pollution

A report in the Lancet, considered the world's most prestigious medical journal, warns of ''a silent pandemic” of impaired brain development due to exposure to unregulated industrial toxins, both in the womb and during a child’s first years.

The researchers, from Harvard School of Public Health and Mount Sinai School of Medicine, have identified 200+ industrial chemicals toxic to the human brain—only several of which (lead, mercury, PCBs) are regulated to protect children. They are calling for more research into the extent of harm caused by industrial chemicals and into how best to regulate them. Until then, the researchers have advised a “precautionary approach” which will strictly regulate any compound shown to be toxic, rather than require undisputable proof of damage already done. [ via : Reuters & Health News ]

Related Environmental Working Group studies:

Pollution in Newborns: An investigation of industrial chemicals, pollutants, and pesticides in human umbilical cord blood.

Mother's Milk: Record levels of toxic fire retardants found in American mothers' breast milk.

Across Generations: From grandparents to children, the pollution we share and inherit. Focus: Industrial chemicals in mothers & daughters.

The Pollution in People: Homepage for all EWG Body Burden investigations.

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