4 steps to drinking safer water

Here at EWG we talk a lot about water, because we think it should be safe to drink. We recently researched three water issues:

To help you drink safer water at home and on the go, we rolled up all this drinking water information and guidance in one place.

You can learn to drink safer water in 4 easy steps from our Healthy Home Tip:

  1. Identify the contaminants in your home tap water (use our searchable database),
  2. Find a filter that works (use our online guide),
  3. Skip the bottled water (it's expensive and the quality is not clear), and
  4. Choose safer reusable water bottles (they're out there!).

Get -- and share -- EWG's 1-page Safe Drinking Water Guide. It'll do your body good.

LEARN MORE about our Healthy Home Tip series and sign up to get the monthly tips in your inbox.

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