Envirohealth News: Cancer risk from cell phones?

childmortalitydecline.jpgPBDE uptake patterns appear to be changing. In a study of families in Spain, the presence of specific chemicals mirrored that usually seen in electronics employees.

There may be a relationship between low oxygen water and fertility in fish, making the Dead Zone even deadlier.

Reporters can't quite figure out a study on cancer risks from cell phone use. No risk at all? A hint of risk? Whatever the case, doubt certainly still remains.

One Pennsylvania county will help parents of asthmatic children kick the habit so that kids can live in a smoke-free home.

Speaking of breathing trouble: exercising around traffic fumes is a danger to those with heart disease. We're guessing it's not healthy for the rest of us, either.

China's Minister of Quality Control warns that food safety is a global problem. He's right, of course, although one may question his motive...

And finally, some great news: The UN says child mortality rates worldwide are declining, and they expect it to continue.

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