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Displaying 441 - 460 of 598

I Call the Vote: A Farm Bill Litmus Test for the Food Movement

Here's a simple proposition to test whether the food movement can stand up to Big Ag. We're asking readers who care about providing healthier food to schoolchildren to take a stand by voting on our...

Chemical Agriculture Goes to the Mattresses

The U.S. Department of Agriculture began testing fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues in 1991 after the public became concerned about their potential risks to children.

Subsidy Buffet for Agribiz, Table Scraps for Good Food

The farm bill draft released by the Senate Agriculture Committee last week (April 20) falls far short of providing farm and food policies Americans want. In a national poll last year, 78 percent said...

Food and Nutrition

For too long, funding provided by the United States' most far-reaching food and farm legislation -- the farm bill -- has primarily benefited agri-business and industrial-scale commodity farms that...

The Farm Subsidy Jackpot

Critics of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP (previously known as food stamps) claim some recipients are wrongly receiving benefits after winning lottery jackpots. SNAP...

Study: Toxic Chemicals Are Lowering Children's IQs

Three common environmental chemicals - lead, organophosphate pesticides and methyl mercury - may have effects on children's IQ in the overall population.

Don’t Let The Pesticide Lobby Play Bully

Tell USDA to stand by its pesticide data program. It's the time of year when the U.S. Department of Agriculture is preparing to release its annual pesticide data – information the Environmental...

Follow The Food: Ensuring Greater Transparency in our Food Supply

As the 2012 food and farm policy fights heat up, entrepreneurs have some lessons for Washington. These were on full display at a recent TEDx Manhattan conference, where the innovative business leaders...

Putting Real Food in School Lunches

More whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables will be on the menu for 31 million children who participate in the federally-supported National School Lunch Program under new nutrition standards...

Pesticide Defenders Say the Darndest Things

In an interview last week (Jan. 16) at the pesticide lobby's D.C. headquarters, Washington State University Environmental Toxicology Professor Allan Felsot told Energy and Environment News...

Local Food and The Farm Bill: Small Investments, Big Returns

For too long, funding provided by the United States' most far-reaching food and farm legislation has primarily benefited agri-business and large scale industrial-scale commodity farms that aren't...

Good, Bad and Truly Awful: Top Environmental Stories of 2011

People are messy. So is nature. And what people do when nature unleashes its fury often makes things worse. The staff at Environmental Working Group took a look at the major environmental news stories...

Top Ten Food and Farm Stories of 2011

Advocates of healthy food and farm policy reform have had a lot of success in 2011.

Congress to Kids: Drop Dead

When Congress declared pizza a vegetable, it was hard to believe things could get much worse. But never underestimate politicians' ability to put corporate interests ahead of children's health.

Hackers Unite to Visualize a Healthy Farm Bill

Making sense of the complex farm bill is the first step in bringing much-needed change to America's badly broken food and farm system.

'Tis the Season for Being Green in the Kitchen

Treat your guests to a home and food that are healthy for them and the environment. New for you this year: our Meat Eater's Guide to Climate and Health.

Little Chocolate Donuts

Thirty-four years ago, Saturday Night Live's ad parody, Little Chocolate Donuts, seemed like absurdist comedy. But the iconic John Belushi bit – co-written by current Minnesota Senator Al Franken – is...

Stand Up for REAL Food - Twinkies Aren't Breakfast

Of course you don't serve your kids Twinkies or Chips Ahoy! cookies for breakfast. But many of us are serving our kids just as much - or more - sugar every day in the good ol' American cereal bowl.

Great Books Make Great Gifts: What EWG Is Reading

If there's one thing we at Environmental Working Group love, it's a good book - especially about the issues we work on. Honestly, there are so many good ones.

Help Stop the Secret Farm Bill

Industrial agriculture's lobbyists and a handful of their powerful Congressional allies have been working overtime to skirt the usual democratic process and write a new five-year farm bill behind...
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